How to run a test on a Parr 6400 Calorimeter

See for yourself how easy Parr Calorimeters are to operate!

WARNING: It is important that the Operating Instruction Manual be read and understood (especially the safety instructions) before using the calorimeter.A�

Failure to do so could result in catastrophic failure.


Step 1

A� Turn on the calorimeter. The calorimeter will boot up to the main menu.

A� Turn on the oxygen supply.

Step 2

A� Go to the Calorimeter Operation menu.Parr 6400 Calorimeter - Turn on heater and pump

A� Turn on the Heater and Pump.


Note: The Start and Start Pretest buttons will be grayed out when the calorimeter is not ready to run a test or pretest.

The jacket temperature must be at 30A� C.

Once the jacket temperature is at 30A� C it will be an additional 10 minutes before the Start and Start Pretest functions are available. This is true only if the pump and heater have been off for an extended period of time.

Step 3

A� Load the head into the calorimeter.

A� Place the head into the cylinder.

A� Rotate the handle clockwise to lock the head into position.

A� Close and latch the lid.

Step 4

A� Press Start Pretest to begin a pretest.

Pretest: A pretest is recommended if the calorimeter has been idle for more than 10 minutes from the end of the previous test.

Step 5
Parr 6400 Calorimeter - wait for calorimeter to be ready to run test

A� Prepare a Sample

A� Tare (zero the weight of) a sample cup.

A� Weigh a sample to the nearest .0001 g.

Step 6

A� Put the sample on the head

A� Attach an ignition thread

A� The ignition thread should lay on top of a solid pellet.

A� The ignition thread should not be buried in a powder or granulated sample.

A� The ignition thread should be positioned just above the surface of a liquid sample.

Step 7

A� Load the head into the calorimeter.

A� Place the head into the cylinder.

A� Rotate the handle clockwise to lock the head into position.
Parr 6400 Calorimeter - sample on head

A� Close and latch the lid.

Step 8

A� Choose Standardization (calibration) or Determination (unknown samples) for Operating Mode.

A� Press Start

o Input the Sample ID

o Input the Bomb ID

o Input the Sample weight

o Input the Spike weight (if spiking is turned on)

Step 9

A� The test will automatically proceed through the following steps:

o Fill Cycle

o Preperiod Cycle

o Fire the sample

o Post Period Cycle

o Exhaust the bomb

o Cool/Rinse Cycle

Step 10

A� Results

o Once the calorimeter is finished with the cool/rinse cycle the results will print out on the printer or display on the touch screen.

A� Once the test results have been printed or displayed the calorimeter will be ready for the next test.

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